Thursday, May 24, 2012

which college are you going to?

check this map out on our recent centerfold

Friday, May 11, 2012

“The Avengers” was terrible.

   Maybe it was because I didn’t see the prequels movies (except the first Iron Man), but the structure of the plot tells me otherwise. After I put the puzzle pieces together I realized this: the movie is awful, even if you know what is going on.

Monday, April 23, 2012

10 Keyboard tricks for a PC

10 Keyboard tricks for a PC 

By Melissa Tong
Many people may already know about clicking Ctrl F to find specific words within a long article, but there are other quick keyboard tricks that can make your life easier.
1.      Need to close a tab if a friend comes into your room right when you’re buying their birthday present? This trick will close tabs faster than clicking the red X on the top of the page.
Trick: Alt+ F4
2.      Have many windows open, making it difficult to click the desired icon on the desktop? This shortcut will prevent having to minimize all windows to reach the desktop page.
Trick: Windows + D
3.      Have numerous tabs open and want to maneuver between tabs easily? Now there’s an easy way to switch tabs without even touching the mouse.
Trick: Ctrl +Tab          
4.      Without using the mouse, you can choose which window you want among the many windows that you’ve opened.
Trick: Alt + Tab
5.      Now there’s no excuse for misspelling words with this keyboard trick.
Trick: F7
6.      Accidentally closed a tab? Here’s an easy way to reopen the tab.
Trick: Ctrl + Shift + T
7.      Refresh the page with the push of a button.
Trick: F5
8.      Always in fear of accidentally losing that essay that you’ve worked so hard on because you forgot the save it? Press these two keys to constantly save your work.
Trick: Ctrl + S
9.      View the start menu with this simple combo.
Trick: Ctrl + Esc
10.  Want to highlight a lot of text without having to deal with scrolling? The following keys highlight a whole page.
Trick: Ctrl + A                                                                                    

Making Smoothies, a simple spring snack

Making smoothies, a simple spring snack

By Avery Ponce
Smoothies are nutritious and delicious -- and cold. What better to drink on the hot days to come? You’ll need bananas, blueberries, milk or juice, ice cubes, and a blender.

1.  Freeze bananas and blueberries overnight in a plastic bag.

2.  Put two bananas, one cup of blueberries, and one cup of milk into a blender. You can substitute juice or soy milk for the milk if you prefer.

3.  Blend until the smoothie has the desired texture. If it’s too thick, blend in more milk. If it’s too bland, blend in more bananas or blueberries. If the smoothie is not cold enough, blend in a few ice cubes to cool it.

                                                                  photo courtesy of

Hunger Games versus Twilight: which is better?

By Alicia Y. Zheng

   Considering the enormous fan base that teenage girls provide, both “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins and the “Twilight” series by Stephanie Meyers are ripe for commercializing. From posters with giant faces plastered on them to the action dolls modeled after the characters, both series take advantage of the wide market of hungry teenage girls. Which leaves the question: which series is the better one? (Keep in mind that I will be comparing books, not the movies – any star power to support either side will not be considered.)  
Storyline: Hunger Games is about a post-apocalyptic society that prevents rebellion by sending teenagers to kill each other in an arena. Twilight is about a mortal girl who can’t choose between a vampire and a werewolf.
Hunger Games wins this one. It offers more action and more suspense, with a more interesting climax other than “I choose the vampire.”
Characters: Katniss has a tough-girl persona that easily makes her an idol among pre-teen girls; she volunteers as a tribute for her little sister and is lethal with her bow and arrow combination. Add in Peeta’s lovable baker boy personality and Gale’s shady bad boy character and it’s a recipe for a heart-wrenching choice. Twilight offers Bella, a mortal girl who can’t choose between a brooding vampire and a loyal werewolf.
Another one for Hunger Games.
Relatability: While the idea of throwing a bunch of teenagers in a pre-made arena to kill each other is very appealing, the fact is that Twilight’s gloomy setting of Forks is more relatable to high school students, even if there aren’t superhumans climbing to the tops of trees or randomly transforming into werewolves.
Point for Twilight. 

“The Hunger Games”
Books sold
16 million copies
116 million copies
Pre-tickets sold
Over 1 million tickets

Opening Weekend
To be released…
$14.2 million
Fan base
Pre-teen and teens as well as <25 years males
Mostly pre-teen and teen girls

In the end, The Hunger Games seems to have dominated over Twilight with a better storyline and better characters. True fans know where their biases lay; where do yours? 

                                                                   photo courtesy of

Friday, March 2, 2012

Top five snowboarding websites

A small forum with some of the best discussions on topics from riding techniques to next year’s gear. EasyLoungin also has an active classifieds section to buy and trade snowboarding gear.

A small blog run through the eyes of a female rider living and working in Mammoth. The author has done some very hard work in the previous years making friends with people in the industry, and the result is some very informative interviews with industry professionals.

While not a website specifically dedicated to snowboarding, Geartrade has a massive assortment of used goods for sale, ranging from boards to outerwear. With some patience and attention to detail, you can easily find some great deals.

A blog-ish website that features a multitude of content, from small reader-submitted video edits, to interviews with pro riders. Its motto is “making fun of snowboarding since 1997.”

A section of the main website Reddit, R/snowboarding, a sub-Reddit, is probably the most beginner-friendly place for people with questions. The community has a very varied skill base, and hosts discussion topics for all types of riders.

- By Wyatt Christiansen 

Five health myths you probably believe

1.  Coffee stunts your growth
   Forget what your parents told you as a child. Coffee doesn’t actually stunt your growth. In fact, there’s no scientific proof supporting the theory. However, coffee does contain caffeine, which can lead to anxiety and heart problems.

2. Cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis
   Whenever you crack your knuckles, bubbles of gas burst in between your joints, creating the all-too-familiar popping sound. These bubbles reappear in approximately twenty minutes allowing you to crack your knuckles again. The reality is that anyone is prone to arthritis whether you crack your knuckles or not. So, go knuckle-cracking to your heart’s content.

3. Shaving makes hair grow back thicker
   Contrary to popular belief, hair doesn’t grow back thicker. The newly grown hair just seems thicker; unlike the hair that was there before, the follicles have not been worn down yet (making them thinner).

4. You only use a small percentage of your brain
   While it may be true that sometimes we do not use our brains to their full potential, it’s not true that we only use a small percentage of our brains. In fact, our brains are always active (even while we sleep), making each area of the brain important. If we didn’t use every area of our brains, we wouldn’t be able to function normally. 

5. It takes 7 years to digest swallowed gum
   Remember – it’s not the stomach that does the digesting; it’s the small and large intenstines. So even though the human stomach cannot break down gum, it doesn’t stay in your stomach for years. Gum doesn’t have superpowers allowing it to stick to the walls of your stomach, so swallowing gum is actually harmless. It goes in one end and comes out the other just like anything else, though it takes intestines more work.

- By Claudia Preciado