Monday, October 14, 2013

Josh's Chisled Wrist & Pencil

By Joshua Hong 
Staff Writer 

   Number two pencils were all our first type of pencils, but is it now the beginning of the reign of mechanical pencils? The conquest of the mechanical pencils was swift and strong; they engulfed the whole country in one power swing. People were intrigued by this new lean (lead), clean, writing machine, but was this actually the truth? Everyone was led to believe that this was a better, more efficient new alternative to our beloved number two pencils, but we were WRONG!

   I am currently an owner of this so called “efficient new pencil,” but what in the world is so efficient about mechanical pencils?! Nothing, nothing about it is efficient. So far, during my career at Webb, (currently a sophomore) I have broken countless mechanical pencils not due to my enormous finger and hand muscles; they broke because of the horrid mechanics of the mechanical pencils. As if this wasn’t heck already, more problems arose while I was trying to write on some sturdy Staples college ruled paper, after the first few words, my lead broke all of a sudden. Why did this happen? The answer is because the .5 mm graphite lead simply could not handle my chiseled wrist. But when we look back to our past, this never happened to number two pencils. They could take the heat, and support my muscle mass unlike the useless mechanical pencils.
    We must work together to bring back the number to pencils. We must all join forces to take down the empire of mechanical pencils. Do this, not for yourself, but your country. The lumberjacks of America (mostly Canada, shoutout  to Mr. Hamilton) endure the hardships of cutting down huge trees in order to make number two pencils for all of us, so we can do well on our tests and essays. This is what America is about, helping each other do well in our school life in order to go successful later on. So to help our struggling Americans, we must bring back the number two pencil dynasty.

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