Monday, January 31, 2011

Dear Webb Boys,


Boys, don’t be afraid to talk to a girl you like! We may be smarter than you but we can’t read minds

Boys, if your girl plays a sport a cute way to show you’re interested is to go to her game and cheer her on!

Secrets secrets are no fun for anyone! Trust is what it’s all about.

Boys, a girl is a girl no matter what there is always room for a little romance.

Boys, there is no such thing as perfection so don’t try for it. Embrace your imperfections, her imperfections, and your relationships imperfections.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

In-N-Out Secret Menu

In-N-Out is a special treat that we get for living in southern California so we may as well make the most of it. Here are some of the ‘secret’ menu items you might want to try. Beware if you wanted to order a 20x20 they now have a meat limited of a 4 patties! So sad! But check out what you can order:

2x4: two beef patties and 4 pieces of cheese

Double Meat: two beef patties regular servings of everything else

Animal Style: mustard cooked beef patty with extra pickles, spread, cheese, and grilled onions

Cut in half: Burger. Cut in half. Gasp!

Flying Dutchman: Two beef patties and two slices of cheese plain and simple

Grilled Cheese: everything but the meat

Mustard grilled: Mustard on the patty of a regular burger

Protein style: A burger wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun

Veggie burger: grilled cheese with no cheese.

Animal fries: onions, sauce, cheese, and grilled onions on top of fries

Cheese fries: fries with cheese

Fries light: barely cooked fries

Well-done fries: crispy fries

Neapolitan shake: all 3-shake flavors (you can do any combo you want)

Root-beer float: root beer float!

teacher spotlight-Mr. Bartlett

Teacher Spotlight- Mr. Peter Spaulding Bartlett

For the past two days, just in order to interview Mr. Bartlett, I tried stalking him. I visited his office 3-4 times a day, but he was never in his office. I saw him rushing to the dining hall to grab lunch or chatting with different students. But, when I ran into his office he was never there.
Mr. Bartlett is probably one of the busiest people on campus. Most people just recognize him as the “academic dean”, but Mr. Bartlett is way more than that. He is the JV volleyball coach, an advisor of a group of “knuckle-heads,” he is always there during formal dinners, Thursday night duties or any basketball games.

Even though he is so busy, he still has time to sit outside of his office, enjoying his vanilla ice cream, greeting all of us with his typical “Bartlett” smile. Also, Mr. Bartlett just knows everyone. Even though you are freshmen, new on this campus, Mr. Bartlett knows something special about you. That’s just the way he is.

So this morning, right after breakfast check-in, I stomped into his office hoping he would be there. Luckily, I could meet him, the superstar, Mr. Bartlett.

KJ: How do you know at least one thing about every student on this campus?
PB: (Laughter) I just try to pay attention. One of the most interesting parts of this job is that I get a really good quality interaction with students and others around me. Also, that is part of my commitment and I want to know everyone well enough that when I need to make a decision about them, I could really help them.

KJ: Did you recently learn any new facts about anyone?
PB: Actually, this morning, when I was walking Linus (Bartlett’s dog), I found several sophomore boys working out in the gym with John, the security guard. I was pretty amazed that these boys actually woke up very early to exercise.

KJ: What is your educational philosophy?
PB: We try to teach you how to face problems in life. Especially in a time period like this when the landscape shifts, it is hard to prepare you. The hardest part is that these days, kids need to rely on themselves; they don’t have much support, so I try to be that support system for you all.
As I was nibbling on my banana and listening to his response, a random question came up on my mind. His bulletin board; for those of you who visit Mr. Bartlett’s office probably have an experience of staring at the bulletin board full of our pictures. (If you have never checked this out, go check it out!)

I don’t know how, but he gets our pictures from somewhere. Maybe on Facebook, maybe from your friends or maybe he took them. No one knows. Anyways, I feel like this wall is a typical Mr. Bartlett thing; no one else can even imitate his genuine love and care for all of us.

KJ: So, why do you have that bulletin board dedicated to all your students?
PB: If kids come in here and see themselves, they feel closer. It is one way to have better connection with the kids. At my old school, there was a great photographer who took amazing pictures of students and I loved looking at those pictures. And after coming to Webb, I just dedicated a part of my wall for that.

(try to find yourself)

KJ: You always bring extra snacks to formal dinner, and when you are on dorm duties you always bring snacks too. Why do you put this extra effort in that most of the people do not?
PB: We just try to be creative around you all. When we bring little treats, it gives the excitement to the dorms or our tables. And this excitement makes it better for everyone and it is much more enjoyable for Colleen and I too.

KJ: Mr. B, what is your motto in life?
After I asked this question, Mr. Bartlett thought for a while. Instead of giving me an answer right away, he pointed at a frame behind his back. It was a Diploma from South Kent School, founded by the Bartlett family. On the diploma it said, “You have been an active, concerned, loyal son of the school, leaving it a better place than you found it.” Mr. Bartlett seems like he is following his motto in life very well because he is making Webb a better place.

This is in his office!

KJ: What is your favorite book?
PB: Hmmm. Plutarch’s Lives is one of the books I read the most and I benefited a lot from it. When I was 18, I used to work in an oil construction company and I got this nasty blood disease. I was contagious, so I was stuck in a Brazilian hospital, surrounded by non-English speakers. So I read this book 5 times and when you read this book, you really learn a lot about the human nature. Also, I enjoy reading writings by Hemingway and John Mcfee.

KJ: Can you share a little bit about your surfing career?
PB: I love everything about surfing. The beach, nice water and the process of surfing; everything is spiritual. I started surfing because my cousin was a surfer and I used to surf with him. Maizie already started learning how to surf!

Another keyword that cannot be separated from Mr. Bartlett is Maizie Bartlett. Her blond hair, green-blue eyes and bright smile resembles her father so much. When you are around Mr. Bartlett and Maizie, a warm smile appears on your face as you are watching this dad-daughter snuggling with each other.

KJ: As a father, what do you want Maizie to be like?
PB: I want her to have courage around her ideas and confidence in who she is. I think I became a better teacher having had her; I learned the patience that I have never known about.

KJ: Mr. B, what was the biggest challenge you ever faced in life?
PB: I think it was when we considered adoption. It was hard for me to watch Colleen facing her own difficulties.

For those of you who don’t know this story well, I would like to quote Mr. Bartlett’s chapel talk he gave a few years ago.

“So we initiated that adventure on which so many other couples before and after us have and will embark – we went about the business of having a child….. For two driven and successful people this is an experience akin to biological purgatory – you begin cycles of hope, doubt, then disappointment, that bring you to the brink of your worst fears, again and again. Desperation becomes a way of life and you start to view your options differently with every blow to your psyche.”

“I want to be gentle, but honest here – I had always been very open to the idea of adopting a child to start our family, but for the first time in my life, I found myself struggling with the idea of perpetuating some of the less desirable practices that are pervasive in the world of adoption. As much as it meant to me to have the chance to raise a child, there was a part of me that was vehemently opposed to contributing to a practice that I’d convinced myself took advantage of people who were often in dire circumstances.”

Many of those who heard Mr. Bartlett’s chapel talk about Maizie recall this as one of the best chapel talks. His genuine story of how he became a parent moved the hearts of many others.

KJ: So, Mr. B, what kind of student were you in high school?
PB: I also went to a boarding school and my grandfather was headmaster there. I had grown up in that environment so I was used to it. I didn’t work so hard, but I really enjoyed my high school years.

KJ: Can you give some advice for all of us on how we could enjoy the high school experience more?
PB: You should approach your academic experience with intention but not the intention you commonly have; I’m not talking about getting all A’s. What I’m talking about is developing a passion about new ideas and keeping that passion through the years here.

As I finished my 30 minute interview with Mr. Bartlett and rushed to my English class, I was truly appreciative for having Mr. Bartlett around us. At Webb, the word “Bartlett” is not just a noun, but it is also used as an adjective that describes genuine, caring, and loving nature. If one says “That’s such a Bartlett thing”, you would understand what that means because for all of us, Mr. Bartlett is more than just an academic dean who consults with us about our courses and grades, he is the guy with a comforting smile on his face ready to greet us and talk to us. Just as his motto is, he makes this place a better place for all of us.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dear Webb Girls,

Webb and love life are not something you usually hear in a positive way. Here are some tips to change that:

1.Girls, the number one downfall of all Webb relationships are when you never leave his side. Space is important and always remembers absence makes the heart grow fonder.

2.Girls, when you like a guy I know it might be easy to get his schedule since we only have 3 classes a day. THIS IS NOT A GOOD IDEA. Boys are creeped out when you are outside their Chandler West at eight in the morning.

3.Girls, it could be easy to try and play hard to get, BUT you have to know when we are ready to give up. This little game could be fun for a while but when you reach the point where we are annoyed and about to give up it is already too late.

4. Girls, if you want a healthy relationship then you HAVE to tell us why you are mad. Just simply living hints or not talking will never fix the problem. The only way to fix the tiny problem you have is to talk to your boyfriend!

5. Girls, your relationship is exactly that, yours, you can make it whatever you want.It does not have to be the super cliché Gossip Girl relationship. It does not have to be filled with drama.

6. Girls, keep it classy! There is nothing wrong with a little PDA (Public Displays of Affection) but when it goes over the top it just becomes inappropriate.

7. Girls, throw us a bone every once in a while. We don’t always have to be the one to spark a romantic moment. If your relationship is struggling a guy’s confidence will greatly grow if you are the one to spark the romance.

8. Girls, don’t just wanna have fun. It’s ok to be serious sometimes and have deep conversations.
9. Girls, don’t ask us to do the impossible. We can’t carry you up gym hill, we can’t spend $1,000 on flowers, and we can’t listen to ALL your problems.

10. Girls, SOME guys can be stupid but let’s remember that some girls blow things way out of proportion. Give us a break and don’t always be mad. We love you just the way you are! (just not as much when you are mad)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dear Webb Boys

Dear Webb Boys,
1.Boys, confidence not cockiness will get you everywhere. We don’t want a jerk around but we don’t want a spineless loser either so it is up to you to find a happy medium.

2.Boys, take care of yourself, it’s all about presentation. Refer to:

3.Boys, even if you are totally in love with this chick don’t be at her side every second of the day. This will definitely wear down on your relationship. You will get sick of each other.

4.Boys, you are in high school. Act your age.

5.Boys, communication is key. Texting and First Class IMing may seem like a fun and easy way to get to know each other. But you should also hang out in person or else it gets really awkward.

6.Boys, there’s a little thing called a white lie. When a girl asks you if she looks fat it is a poor idea to say yes. You will end all chances with said girl.

7.Boys, don’t get attention by doing stupid things, it gets the point across.You are stupid.

8.Boys, don’t be afraid to dote on your girl. Getting us food from the dining hall, carrying us up gym hill, walking us back to our dorms, serving us in the dining hall, etc. Be creative.

9.Boys, you don’t need to be a knight in shining armor just be there for your girl when she needs you and she will do the same for you. But don’t treat your girl like every other girl. She is special.

10.Boys, taking your girl to Chandler does not count as a date.

Webb Girls

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This Vegan Life

My First Weeks as a Vegan

I didn't get birthday cake, I bring my own bread to the dining hall for sandwhiches, and Junior Fountain can no longer supply half of my diet.

Unlike virtually every one of my previous New Year's resolutions, this one is successful. I have not eaten any animal products, used anything that has animal products or that's tested on animals, worn animals...Admittedly, when I see my friends gorging on mac 'n cheese, for a second I want to ditch the salad, but, like I said--only for a second.

I'm standing up for what I believe in, and it just so happens that Some Crust has vegan cake, my bread is white, fluffy, and delicious, and Junior Fountain is overpriced!

Even still, why the heck would I condemn myself to a life of eating delicious, cruelty-free food rather than a Standard American Diet (SAD) of trans fats and high fructose corn syrup? That's blog post number two.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Top 10 stories of 2010

Top 10 stories of 2010

1.Haiti Earthquake

It was less than two weeks since New Year’s Eve and shocking news struck the world. On January 12, 2010 a catastrophic earthquake descended on the capital of Haiti Port-au-Prince. Within hours, over a million people became homeless. Buildings across much of the city and its suburbs were reduced to rubble. More than 230,000 people died, and hundreds of thousands of others were injured. The damages were devastating and extreme in what is one of the third world countries.

2. Wiki Leaks

The organization that finds and reveals secret government data crossed the line in July, 2010. They released 77,000 U.S. military files chronicling the war effort in Afghanistan and a larger tranche of 400,000 war logs from Iraq in October. The incident has shaken the technology world and raised the big question about the safety of secrecy in the digitized 21st century.

3. Oil spill in Gulf of Mexico

On April 20, an explosion rocked the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, killing eleven workers onboard and leaving the operation crippled. The deaths were a tragedy on their own, but when the rig began to sink on April 22, it opened the door to a new danger: an oil spill that could blanket the entire Gulf Coast.
On April 24, the Coast Guard reported that more than 40,000 gal. a day of crude oil was leaking into Gulf waters just 50 miles south of the coast of Louisiana. Within days, the spill produced an oil sheen more than 1,800 sq. mi. large, threatening the sensitive Gulf coastline, home to seabirds and marine mammals along with prime fishing and tourist spots.

4. Chilean Miners

On Aug. 5, 33 miners in the San Jose, Chile copper mine in the Atacama desert found themselves trapped in a collapsed shaft 2,300 ft. (700 m) under the earth. Soon international audience learned about rescue-capsules. The miners' dramatic release, broadcast live, provided mesmerizing, views as each of the brave men emerged from the bowels of the earth to the embraces of teary-eyed family members
5. Pakistan Floods

The monsoon rains in July triggered almost unprecedented flooding that irrigated the Indus River basin — at one point, almost a fifth of the country was underwater. Around 2,000 people died and the damage to the country was estimated to be over $43 billion.

6. South Africa World Cup

Before the World Cup 2010, the
largest soccer tournament in the world, international media questioned the ability of an African nation to host such an important event. There were myriad of concerns. Are they going to be able to finish on time? Is it going to be good enough?During the four weeks of the 2010 summer, South Africa provided one of the most successful World Cups in the recent history.

7. Mexico’s Drug War

Mexico's struggle with its powerful drug cartels took a grisly turn in 2010. Troubled border cities were subsumed in violence as the country's drug kingpins warred over turf. There have also been steady drumbeats of horrifying reports of kidnappings, mass graves and nocturnal executions. More than 3,000 people have been killed this year alone.
8. Thailand Red Shirts

For much of April and May, thousands of anti-government protesters occupied a central commercial district in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. Named the Red Shirts, for the color of their political movement (their rivals are Yellow Shirts), the activists sought to bring down a government they saw as elitist and undemocratic. Commentators saw the protests as emblematic of larger fissures in Thai society — between the big city and the countryside, the rich and the poor, royalists and populists. Red Shirt protesters spilled hundreds of liters of their own blood in a stomach-turning act of agitprop. The accident provides a timely reminder of how dangerous offshore energy exploration can be.
9.Russian spy

Redheaded Russian spies are such a cliché that even James Bond movies eschew them. Anna Chapman was arrested in June, as part of a spy ring in New York City. She was deported to Russia, where, just like in a intense novel, she got a medal and a modeling gig.
10. U.S. and China Tensions

In the past years those two, the tension between the two countries has been constantly rising.  But 2010 saw a dramatic hardening of potential battle lines. Beijing has been steadily building up its naval power, particularly its submarine fleet; in a way that some hawkish U.S. analysts believe is a direct challenge to American supremacy in the Pacific.

Monday, January 17, 2011

teacher spotlight-Mrs.Hamlyn

Teacher Spotlight #1: Mrs. Stefanie Hamlyn

Do you know the amazing Ms. Hamlyn? The theater director and mother of all actors and actress at Webb. If you want to know more about her, read Alicia's witty interview with Ms. Hamlyn.

Full Name: Stefanie “I’m Not Going To Tell You My Middle Name” Hamlyn
Birthday: April 15, 19--
College Education: USC B.A., University of Edinburg (Scotland) M.A.
Kids: “Everyone in the theatre is my child. Just kidding, it’s Charlotte Harris (’12). Actually, I have none, but I have two kittens!”
Color: Cornflower Blue
Food: Mexican
Movie: “Depends on my mood”
Play: “tricky—depends on my mood”
Book: The Rainbow by D.H. Lawerence
Music: Musical theater, classical, anything by Mahler
TV show: “At the moment, a British sitcom called ‘The High Life’”
Actor/Actress: “Me!” *laughs*
Musician: Steven Sondheim
Author: D.H. Lawrence

Alicia Zheng: What got you interested in theatre?
SH: I’ve always been singing and dancing; it’s as natural to me as walking and talking!
AZ: When did you start drama?
SH: Elementary school.
AZ: What do you like best about the theatre?
SH: It’s the ability to change your perception about everything.
AZ: How many shows have you been in?
SH: Hundreds. Gilbert & Sullivan, Patience, Oklahoma, Sweeny Todd, Camelot, My Fair Lady…
AZ: Why did you choose high-school students instead of elementary or college level?
SH: Because I like people you can reason with.
AZ: Is it hard directing all these kids who have the attention span of fruit flies?
SH: But you don’t have the attention of fruit flies! *laughs* No, it’s… delightful!

AZ: On a scale of 1-10, how stressful would you rate directing a play?
SH: 11!
AZ: For plays, the script sometimes calls for stage directions that you don’t always necessarily follow. How do you determine which ones to use and which ones to completely ignore?
SH: Stage directions are usually written based on a certain space. The chances that you have exact same space to work with are slim to none, and you’ve got to think about what the play is about. You’ve got to try to convey the play to its fullest potential working with the space provided.
AZ: How do you envision a play? Is the final product close to what you first imagine it as?
SH: It depends on the play. Sometimes, I can get the see the way the actors speak. But you’ve got to get the general idea of the set. Plus, you’ve also got to respect and trust the actors; you have to let them bring what they have. For example, Media was exactly how I imagined it, and The Trojan Women weren’t far off either.

AZ: Aside from drama, do you have any other interests?
SH: Not really… singing, cooking, reading… did I say singing? Oh, and travelling!
AZ: Best moment you’ve had within the Copeland-Donahue? Worst experience?
SH: *laughs for about a minute* I have to choose one!? God, no! Well, I’m torn between a serious & profound moment versus just a really funny one… I’m not going to commit. As for the worst, there were hair-raising, nail-biting moments, but nothing truly awful.
AZ: Pre-show nerves; how do you deal with them?
SH: I ignore them.

AZ: What is your worst habit?
SH: You tell me.
AZ: What was your most embarrassing moment in your high school career?
SH: I was perfect!
AZ: Who is your idol?
SH: I don’t really have one—I think it’s a bad idea.
AZ: Guilty pleasures?
SH: Really bad TV… Oh, and foot massages!
AZ: Worst lie you’ve ever told.
SH: That I was perfect in high school. *laughs*
AZ: If you were to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
SH: I… don’t… know.
AZ: If you were to change on thing about yourself, what would it be?
SH: To be able to provide profound and witty answers to interview questions

Thanks to Mrs. Hamlyn for her honest and witty answers to all the questions and Alicia Zheng for her amazing interview:)

the next teacher spotlight will be............ Mr. Bartlett!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Number 710208001


Starting from 11:59:59 January 11th, the Senior class has 710208001 seconds until they depart each other to move on with their lives.

Make them good!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2010 in 100 Questions Part 1 with answers

So how many do you know? Check the answers at the bottom and please leave a comment.

1. Last January, 19-year-old Norwegian Magnus Carlsen was confirmed as the youngest-ever world N0.1 what?

2. The FIFA World Cup 2010 was over and Spain became the champion. But which country got 2nd place?

3. As Kim Jong-il is stepping down as the Supreme Leader of North Korea, who will take his place? Hint: It's his third son.

4. How many men were trapped underground for how many days in Chile's Copiapo mining disaster?

5. Which gay celebrity got a baby for Christmas?

6. Which band replaced U2 at last year's Glastonbury Festival after the Irish rockers had to pull out because Bono needed spinal surgery?

7. After 6120 episodes, which American talk show came to a close on December 18th?

8. Last year, Hong Kong became the first city to offer what McDonalds product?

9. In May, the Rolling Stones achieved their first British No.1 album for 16 years. Name the record.

10. Who became the first European golfer to win the US Open since 1970?

11. On March 23rd, the ROKS Cheonan, a South Korean Navy ship carrying 104 personnel, sank near Baengnyeong Island, the country's westernmost point. What does Baengnyeong mean?

12. On June 29th, Iceland became the ninth country to legalize what?

13. Finland won the 2010 men's World Championships in the sport, but what, exactly, is floorball?

14. Who became the women's world No. 1 tennis player during last year's China Open?

15. Which two airlines merged last year to create the world's largest carrier?

16. The Polish city of Swiebodzin received the world's largest statue of whom last year?

17. How often does the Webb Canyon Chronicle get published?

18. After 86 days gushing 189 million gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico in the largest environmental disaster in US history, BP capped the well on which rig?

19. Last year, according to Hitwise, which website surpassed Google as the No. 1 website in the US?

20. How many seniors graduated from Webb last year?

1.Chess grandmaster 2.Netherlands 3.Kim Jong-un 4.33 men for 69 days 5.Elton John 6.Gorillaz
7.Larry King Live 8.McWeddings 9.Exile on Main St (the released version)
10.Northern Irishman Graeme McDowell 11.White wing 12.Same-sex marriages
13.Indoor Hockey on a gym floor 14.Caroline Wozniacki 15.Continental and United
16.Jesus 17.every six weeks 18.Deepwater Horizon 19.Facebook 20.eighty-nine

How many did you get? Not even one?

Sources from Hong Kong postmagazine

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Review: Somewhere

Sofia Coppola’s “Somewhere” will test the patience of even the most avid fans and committed viewers.

The film moves at a sluggish rate with a scarcity of dialogue. Nothing is sensationalized; the deafening silence and enchanting weariness, present throughout the film gives the film its charms. Those with the patience to appreciate the beauty of the scenes and these charms will be in for a treat.

Coppola’s productions are known to be quirky, beautiful, artsy, quite and slow. “Lost in Translation” acts as the benchmark for most critics of Sofia Coppola. “Somewhere” will be a letdown for those expecting “Lost in Translation” greatness, though there were hints of it throughout the film.

Hollywood star Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) is a rebel without a cause who boards at the famous Chateau Marmont hotel. He loafs around all day between jobs. Marco’s strong independent 11-year-old daughter, Cleo, enters his life when her mother meanders off on a retreat. The movie documents the slow, yet quaint, life of an actor and his daughter.

The spell of “Somewhere” will either entrance you or expel you from the theatre. Please enjoy a free screening of the film Jan.7 at Ahmanson.

Winter Play Preview

The Importance of Being Earnest

by Alicia Y. Zheng
In 1895, Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest was first presented in English theatres. In 2010, the cast and crew will present their own version of this play in the Copeland-Donahue Theatre.

This comedy is full of colorful characters. Starting with two interesting old friends, it soon twists into a looping, confusing plot which involves false identities and hurried engagements. The play has the classical Victorian structure, with an aunt who believes she knows everything, butlers who think they are more refined than their masters, desperate governesses tutoring absent-minded young girls, and of course, the ever-present, incomparable bromance.With a starring play, also come stellar performers to present this hilarious show. Jordan Burns (’12) and John Dominguez (’11) play the lead roles of Mr. Earnest Worthing and Mr. Algernon Moncrieff, the two good friends involved in the bromance, one of which was born in a handbag while the other can’t stop eating. Diana Escalante (’12) and Charlotte Harris (’12) play the friends-then enemies-finally friends Gwendolen Fairfax and Cecily Cardew. Dakota Santana-Grace (’11) and Victoria Alejandro (’14) characterize the two modest infatuated couple of Dr. Fredrick Chausable and Laetitia Prism, while Mallory Thompson (’13) personifies the hard-headed Lady Bracknell. Finally, the butlers who must keep a straight face through this whole process are impeccably impersonated by Allen Isaacson (’12) and Andrew Mayger (’12).

With complicated plots, there must be complicated sets, props, and costumes. Although there are merely three acts, each one of these acts contains its own specific full-on set and intricate props coming on and off the stage. Full-on sets require time and effort to change every time, but don’t worry, the lovely voices of John Dominguez, Charlotte Harris, and Jordan Burns mesh together in order to provide a rather interesting interlude between the set changes.

This play is not for the dimwitted; it is a fast-paced performance full of clever puns and quick, cunning banter. The plot moves even faster; it moves from an engagement to a christening to a revelation. It’s got just a little bit of everything for everyone: a little bit of romance here, a dash of adventure there, and a lot of laughter everywhere. Surely, by the end of the play, everyone shall realize “The Importance of Being Earnest.”

2010 in 100 Questions Part 1

Happy New Year, welcome back everyone! Do you think you are smart? Out of 100 questions from 2010, how many do you know?

1. Last January, 19-year-old Norwegian Magnus Carlsen was confirmed as the youngest-ever world N0.1 what?

2. The FIFA World Cup 2010 was over and Spain became the champion. But which country got 2nd place?

3. As Kim Jong-il is stepping down as the Supreme Leader of North Korea, who will take his place? Hint: It's his third son.

4. How many men were trapped underground for how many days in Chile's Copiapo mining disaster?

5. Which gay celebrity got a baby for Christmas?

6. Which band replaced U2 at last year's Glastonbury Festival after the Irish rockers had to pull out because Bono needed spinal surgery?

7. After 6120 episodes, which American talk show came to a close on December 18th?

8. Last year, Hong Kong became the first city to offer what McDonalds product?

9. In May, the Rolling Stones achieved their first British No.1 album for 16 years. Name the record.

10. Who became the first European golfer to win the US Open since 1970?

11. On March 23rd, the ROKS Cheonan, a South Korean Navy ship carrying 104 personnel, sank near Baengnyeong Island, the country's westernmost point. What does Baengnyeong mean?

12. On June 29th, Iceland became the ninth country to legalize what?

13. Finland won the 2010 men's World Championships in the sport, but what, exactly, is floorball?

14. Who became the women's world No. 1 tennis player during last year's China Open?

15. Which two airlines merged last year to create the world's largest carrier?

16. The Polish city of Swiebodzin received the world's largest statue of whom last year?

17. How often does the Webb Canyon Chronicle get published?

18. After 86 days gushing 189 million gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico in the largest environmental disaster in US history, BP capped the well on which rig?

19. Last year, according to Hitwise, which website surprised Google as the No. 1 website in the US?

20. How many seniors graduated from Webb last year?

Answers will be posted this week. Stay tuned.

Sources from Hong Kong postmagazine