Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dear Webb Boys

Dear Webb Boys,
1.Boys, confidence not cockiness will get you everywhere. We don’t want a jerk around but we don’t want a spineless loser either so it is up to you to find a happy medium.

2.Boys, take care of yourself, it’s all about presentation. Refer to:

3.Boys, even if you are totally in love with this chick don’t be at her side every second of the day. This will definitely wear down on your relationship. You will get sick of each other.

4.Boys, you are in high school. Act your age.

5.Boys, communication is key. Texting and First Class IMing may seem like a fun and easy way to get to know each other. But you should also hang out in person or else it gets really awkward.

6.Boys, there’s a little thing called a white lie. When a girl asks you if she looks fat it is a poor idea to say yes. You will end all chances with said girl.

7.Boys, don’t get attention by doing stupid things, it gets the point across.You are stupid.

8.Boys, don’t be afraid to dote on your girl. Getting us food from the dining hall, carrying us up gym hill, walking us back to our dorms, serving us in the dining hall, etc. Be creative.

9.Boys, you don’t need to be a knight in shining armor just be there for your girl when she needs you and she will do the same for you. But don’t treat your girl like every other girl. She is special.

10.Boys, taking your girl to Chandler does not count as a date.

Webb Girls


  1. This is absurd.
    Chandler is a decent, beautiful, and exceptionally classy destination for a date.

  2. I completely agree
    I can think of no other place better for a good classic date than chandler.

  3. where is this said chandler?
