Monday, January 17, 2011

teacher spotlight-Mrs.Hamlyn

Teacher Spotlight #1: Mrs. Stefanie Hamlyn

Do you know the amazing Ms. Hamlyn? The theater director and mother of all actors and actress at Webb. If you want to know more about her, read Alicia's witty interview with Ms. Hamlyn.

Full Name: Stefanie “I’m Not Going To Tell You My Middle Name” Hamlyn
Birthday: April 15, 19--
College Education: USC B.A., University of Edinburg (Scotland) M.A.
Kids: “Everyone in the theatre is my child. Just kidding, it’s Charlotte Harris (’12). Actually, I have none, but I have two kittens!”
Color: Cornflower Blue
Food: Mexican
Movie: “Depends on my mood”
Play: “tricky—depends on my mood”
Book: The Rainbow by D.H. Lawerence
Music: Musical theater, classical, anything by Mahler
TV show: “At the moment, a British sitcom called ‘The High Life’”
Actor/Actress: “Me!” *laughs*
Musician: Steven Sondheim
Author: D.H. Lawrence

Alicia Zheng: What got you interested in theatre?
SH: I’ve always been singing and dancing; it’s as natural to me as walking and talking!
AZ: When did you start drama?
SH: Elementary school.
AZ: What do you like best about the theatre?
SH: It’s the ability to change your perception about everything.
AZ: How many shows have you been in?
SH: Hundreds. Gilbert & Sullivan, Patience, Oklahoma, Sweeny Todd, Camelot, My Fair Lady…
AZ: Why did you choose high-school students instead of elementary or college level?
SH: Because I like people you can reason with.
AZ: Is it hard directing all these kids who have the attention span of fruit flies?
SH: But you don’t have the attention of fruit flies! *laughs* No, it’s… delightful!

AZ: On a scale of 1-10, how stressful would you rate directing a play?
SH: 11!
AZ: For plays, the script sometimes calls for stage directions that you don’t always necessarily follow. How do you determine which ones to use and which ones to completely ignore?
SH: Stage directions are usually written based on a certain space. The chances that you have exact same space to work with are slim to none, and you’ve got to think about what the play is about. You’ve got to try to convey the play to its fullest potential working with the space provided.
AZ: How do you envision a play? Is the final product close to what you first imagine it as?
SH: It depends on the play. Sometimes, I can get the see the way the actors speak. But you’ve got to get the general idea of the set. Plus, you’ve also got to respect and trust the actors; you have to let them bring what they have. For example, Media was exactly how I imagined it, and The Trojan Women weren’t far off either.

AZ: Aside from drama, do you have any other interests?
SH: Not really… singing, cooking, reading… did I say singing? Oh, and travelling!
AZ: Best moment you’ve had within the Copeland-Donahue? Worst experience?
SH: *laughs for about a minute* I have to choose one!? God, no! Well, I’m torn between a serious & profound moment versus just a really funny one… I’m not going to commit. As for the worst, there were hair-raising, nail-biting moments, but nothing truly awful.
AZ: Pre-show nerves; how do you deal with them?
SH: I ignore them.

AZ: What is your worst habit?
SH: You tell me.
AZ: What was your most embarrassing moment in your high school career?
SH: I was perfect!
AZ: Who is your idol?
SH: I don’t really have one—I think it’s a bad idea.
AZ: Guilty pleasures?
SH: Really bad TV… Oh, and foot massages!
AZ: Worst lie you’ve ever told.
SH: That I was perfect in high school. *laughs*
AZ: If you were to describe yourself in three words, what would they be?
SH: I… don’t… know.
AZ: If you were to change on thing about yourself, what would it be?
SH: To be able to provide profound and witty answers to interview questions

Thanks to Mrs. Hamlyn for her honest and witty answers to all the questions and Alicia Zheng for her amazing interview:)

the next teacher spotlight will be............ Mr. Bartlett!


  1. Very interesting question and answers! Reminds me of good time in Theater Art 1

  2. Woah, who is this Mrs. Hamlyn person? She's the director? of plays? Earnestly, who is she?
