Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Review: Somewhere

Sofia Coppola’s “Somewhere” will test the patience of even the most avid fans and committed viewers.

The film moves at a sluggish rate with a scarcity of dialogue. Nothing is sensationalized; the deafening silence and enchanting weariness, present throughout the film gives the film its charms. Those with the patience to appreciate the beauty of the scenes and these charms will be in for a treat.

Coppola’s productions are known to be quirky, beautiful, artsy, quite and slow. “Lost in Translation” acts as the benchmark for most critics of Sofia Coppola. “Somewhere” will be a letdown for those expecting “Lost in Translation” greatness, though there were hints of it throughout the film.

Hollywood star Johnny Marco (Stephen Dorff) is a rebel without a cause who boards at the famous Chateau Marmont hotel. He loafs around all day between jobs. Marco’s strong independent 11-year-old daughter, Cleo, enters his life when her mother meanders off on a retreat. The movie documents the slow, yet quaint, life of an actor and his daughter.

The spell of “Somewhere” will either entrance you or expel you from the theatre. Please enjoy a free screening of the film Jan.7 at Ahmanson.


  1. This was my most favorite movie of all time. How dare you write such a false and untrue review. You do not understand true greatness.

  2. A) I hate to be the grammar nazi, but you don't need the most in front of favorite.
    B) I'm not saying it's a bad film or else I wouldn't be screening it Friday; I'm just saying it may be a bit slow for most people - not me.
    C) Take a freakin' chill pill

  3. A) if you hate to be a grammar nazi, why are you being one?
    B) I'm not saying that you're review is bad or else I wouldn't be reading it; I'm just saying that it may be a bit slow for most people
